

Volunteers from “Agape Ukraine” passed out aid under shelling during their recent trip to the Kherson region

The local residents were greatly surprised that they came again since the volunteers last visited this village in the spring.

Family Retreat for the Ukrainians with disability, who were evacuated to Germany last year

Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the public organization “Agape Ukraine” joined with partners from different corners of the world to evacuate more than 600 people with disabilities and their families to countries of the EU.

Aid for the flooded areas of the Kherson regions!

The explosion of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant dam on June 6 by Russian subversive troops is considered to be the largest technogenic catastrophe in recent decades.

We made another trip to the Kherson region, this time to villages situated on the dividing line of the fighting.

Elderly people, lonely people, people with disabilities, and families with children who do not want or are not able to evacuate to safer places are still living there. They live in constant danger, under frequent shelling, without electricity or water and in partially destroyed houses.

This trip to the Kherson region was the most risky of those the team from Agape Ukraine…

“I entered the house and a girl with cerebral palsy was sitting in the room. Because of her disability she could not talk.

Recovery International Retreat for soldiers and their families

“Safety is not found on the shore where there are no threats, but it is in knowing who is in the boat with you,” says Vasylina Motkalyk, the cheerful, charismatic emcee at the closing of the first Recovery International Retreat for soldiers and their families. The retreat began and ended with these words. And also many words of sincere gratitude were spoken by each person and for each guest and member of the team.