
Family Retreats

Family Retreats

«For we – his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which
God hath before ordained that we should.» Ephesians 2:10

   Fimiam Church has joined with Joni and Friends since 2008 to organize family retreats for people with disabilities. Because of these retreats, parents of children with disabilities have the opportunity to break from their daily routines of caring for their children and receive the healing power of God’s love in their souls.

   The program at each retreat leaves unforgettable impressions in the hearts of children and their parents. Morning exercises with the clowns energize everyone for the day.

   While the children learn Bible stories through fun and interactive lessons, their parents have the opportunity to study the Word of God with one another.  Children enjoy participating in outdoor sports, relays and contests.

   During the morning and evening programs, children pray together, praise the Lord through songs, watch puppet shows, see the pictures of the day, listen to preaching and, of course, receive many presents. There are also craft times where volunteers help children with disabilities make different souvenirs or gifts to take home. In the evenings, we fellowship around the bonfire and enjoy snacks and hot tea. The last evening is a highlight of each retreat. The children gather in a brightly decorated hall to enjoy a party with clowns, funny singers, exciting drama, contests and presents. Their parents gather in separate hall to enjoy a relaxing dinner with fellowship and quiet music.

   The six days of the retreat pass quickly and everyone looks forward the next time we can meet together. People long to meet with their friends again, forget about the anxieties of everyday life, and be united in the family of our Lord Jesus Christ.