
Family Retreat for the Ukrainians with disability, who were evacuated to Germany last year

Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the public organization “Agape Ukraine” joined with partners from different corners of the world to evacuate more than 600 people with disabilities and their families to countries of the EU. No matter how good these people feel living abroad, each of them misses his or her home, loved ones and friends.

Unfortunately, most of them no longer have places to return to because their cities and villages have been ruined by the Russians.
These refugee families are especially in need of unity and fellowship with other Ukrainians. So, “Agape Ukraine“ and “Joni and Friends” joined with teams from Fimiam, New Life and Word of Life churches in Lutsk to host a family retreat which took place at the Shonblick Christian Center in Germany.

Sessions with psychologists, interesting games and crafts, evening and morning programs, encouragement from the Word of God, a trip to the zoo, sauna and pool, and walks in downtown Shwebish Gmund were all prepared for the adults and children who came to the retreat from different parts of Germany. These few days provided a wonderful time of rest and recovery.

The “Agape Ukraine” team expresses sincere gratitude to those who contributed to the family retreat as it was a powerful blessing for all of the participants.💙💛