
Volunteers from “Agape Ukraine” passed out aid under shelling during their recent trip to the Kherson region

The local residents were greatly surprised that they came again since the volunteers last visited this village in the spring.
For eight months, the 200 residents of this village have been living under shelling and without light. Recently, they have also been without water.

There are many partially or completely destroyed buildings.

Some people have lost their loved ones, including husbands, wives and parents.

The youth and children have left for safer places. Only retired people and people with disabilities remain.
These people were very thankful for the help. Some were simply crying, impressed by the care given to them.

We are sincerely thankful to our German friends for supporting these trips to the Kherson region.
We are thankful to the Deichmann Stiftung Charitable Fund for providing the finances to purchase food, hygiene products and bedding.

Thank you for your practical participation in the suffering and pain of our nation.❤️